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RFID Hotel guestroom card /SALTO/BETECH/ADEL
In modern society, RFID cards are more and more popular in hotel guestroom lock system. As one of the major products in MIND RFID, MIND’s RFID Hotel Guestroom Card comes with excellent performance and high quality, which has exported all over the world in quantity.
MIND specialized in all kinds of encrypted Hotel keycards including: / Salto /Betech /Adel /Onity /Saflok / Kaba /Level / Digi etc.
They are compatible with your existing locks and entry systems and can be encoded as required, usually with 13.56Mhz chips like: Mifare 1k s50, Ultralight EV1,SRI512, F08 etc.
Our hotel keycard partner: Sheraton, Hilton, Marriott, Holiday Inn, Four seasons, Nova etc.
Mind has strong Technical team and we develop a wide range of hotel keycards products range including ISO standard sized rfid card, rfid tag, rfid woven wristband, rfid silicone wristband, rfid ABS keyfob, rfid stickers, all these products can be encoded and they are 100% compatiable with Vingcard/ Salto /Betech /Adel /Onity /Saflok / Kaba /Level / Digi hotel door lock system.